Monday 9 April 2012


I'm Matt, I'm a critical care nurse at a large public hospital in rural Australia. Most of my clinical experience is in cardiac nursing.

I've started this blog to act as a learning tool mostly for myself. So why is this not in a notebook and instead a public forum? Well, I thought others might find it interesting, and making my learning public will help for quality assurance (in that I'm more likely to push harder for answers and many eyes might help to pick up on when I make a mistake). 

Another reason for this blog is to try to fill a void for nursing learning that extends thought and insight beyond the basics.

I derive inspiration from the site Dr Smith's ECG Blog that stinks of quality information and insight. I can dream that I might reach that level of quality.

I hope that we can learn together and look forward to feedback. The posts are likely to be spasmotic in timing as I try to fit this in around full time work.


Matt RN

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